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A Christmas Story Poem

This poem was the basis of our Christmas Morning Service this year.


On a night long ago, in a place far away
A baby was born on the first Christmas Day.
His name was Jesus, and He was a king
And he came to the world to change everything.
This morning we’ll look at the story and see
The baby that came ‘cuz He loved you and me.
We’ll hear about angels and wisemen and sheep.
And the manger in which baby Jesus could sleep.
It’s a story that’s crazy, amazing, and true.
It’s the story about how much God loves you.
So let’s listen careful as we tell the story.
And let’s worship Jesus, the Great King of Glory.

Our Journey to Bethlehem

Mary and Joseph were tired and sore;
They had travelled all day and could travel no more!
They finally arrived in Bethlehem town
Only to find there was nowhere to lie down.
The hotels were all full, there were no more beds
For Jospeh or Mary to lay down their heads.
Exhausted from walking, and ready for sleep,
They would even be willing to sleep with the sheep.
They asked a kind man if they could sleep in his hay
In the barn with the animals, where the cows lay.
The man showed them a spot and moved the cows over,
For a pillow he gave them a pile of clover.
And Mary and Joseph sat down with a sigh.
It wasn’t the best, but it was warm and dry.
And they slept, for a while, under stars and the moon
Perhaps unaware, that Christ’s birth would be soon.

Jesus is Born

While the whole town was sleeping, with stars shining bright,
Mary’s baby was born on that first Christmas night.
Born in a barn! With the horses and hay!
If you were a king, would you come that way?
The King of Creation had come to the earth
And a Bethlehem barn was the place of his birth?!
I think I’d choose a palace, but God’s ways are stranger.
And God’s Son was born and laid down in a manger.
Yes, Jesus was born and wrapped up in some cloth,
And for his first bed, he was placed in a trough!

The Angels

Outside of the town, ‘round a fire so bright
Some shepherds were watching their sheep in the night.
The night had been quiet and silent and still.
The sheep had been starting to doze off until
When all of a sudden a radiant light
Surprised all the shepherds and gave them a fright!
An angel appeared and said not to fear
For the Saviour was born – The Messiah was here!
He’d be wrapped up in cloth and placed in a manger.
Go see for yourself – He’s a total game changer!
He brings joy to the world. He’s good news for men.
The angel said this to the shepherds and then…
A thousand more angels appeared in the sky!
They sang praises to God in the heavens so high!
What a huge celebration of joy to the earth
As the shepherds were told of their dear Saviour’s birth.

The Shepherds

When the angels had left them alone with their sheep
There was no way those shepherds would fall back asleep!
“Let’s go to the town,” the shepherds all said,
“And see if a manger is really the bed
Of this new little king who was born here tonight.”
So the shepherds all ran to the town with delight.
They arrived in the village and looked all around –
It didn’t take long ‘till the baby was found.
It was just as the angel had told them before,
They found Mary & Jospeh and Jesus – what’s more…
Jesus lay in a manger – The story was true!
The Saviour had come – so what did they do?
Those shepherds went out and they told the whole town.
They told them how God, as a baby, came down
Was born in that barn – and yet was the King
The Saviour from Heaven as the angels did sing.

The Wisemen

It wasn’t long after some wise men came by.
They had followed a star that appeared in the sky.
They knew that a King had been born for the Jews
So they stopped at the palace of Herod for clues.
“Where is the new King?” They wanted to know.
Bethlehem was the answer – and so they did go.
They followed the star ‘till it came to the place
Where they found little Jesus. Oh, the joy on their face!
They offered him gifts – Gold, Frankincense, Myrrh.
Mary couldn’t believe what was happ’ning to her.
For her little baby was clearly a King
He was worshiped, adored, and caused angels to sing.
He was Someone so special, in fact, was divine!
He would surely change her life, change your life and mine.
For small baby Jesus would grow to man,
Would live without sin, and would follow God’s plan.
He would die on a cross but would rise three days later
To trade all my sin for something much greater.


And that’s the true story of how Christ was born.
We have so much to celebrate on this Christmas morn.
For God loved the world so much that He gave
His only dear Son, for each person to save.
By trusting in Jesus, our sins are forgiven
We have life eternal, the promise of heaven.
And all because Jesus was born on that night.
The High King of Heaven came to make all things right.

Adapted from “Family Friendly Christmas Eve Worship – The Presbyterian Church in Canada”


  1. Marilyn Csefko Marilyn Csefko

    This is wonderful for children! I would like to have permission to use it for
    a pre Christmas Service called “Happy Birthday Baby Jesus!

  2. Dave Dave

    Hi Marilyn – you are most welcome to use this poem for your service! Thanks!

  3. Linda Vesty Linda Vesty

    Hello, this is fantastic, may I please use it for our Muddy Church Carol Service in December this year?

  4. Dave Dave

    Hi Linda – you are certainly welcome to use this poem for your Carol Service!

  5. Lauren Lauren

    This is perfect for our school’s 3rd grade Christmas Chapel. May I use it as well?

  6. Dave Dave

    Hi Lauren – yes, absolutely! Please do!

  7. Amy Amy

    I am wondering if I can use these wonderful rhymes as part of our live streamed service this year.

  8. Pete Stevenson Pete Stevenson

    Hello Dave
    Just found your poem. It’s so good. Would it be okay to use in our church at Christmas for Carol services?

  9. Amy Amy

    This is lovely. May I use these poems in our live streamed service?

  10. Dave Dave

    Hi Amy – yes, you certainly may!

  11. Dave Dave

    Hi Pete – Yes, you are most welcome to!

  12. Dave Dave

    Hi Amy – Yes, certainly!

  13. Kathryn Klaus Kathryn Klaus

    May I used your wonderful poem in our church service this Christmas.

  14. Dave Dave

    Kathryn – yes, certainly you may!

  15. Ann Barr Ann Barr

    Please may I use your beautiful poem for our childrens Christmas service in our church

  16. Dave Dave

    Hi Ann – yes, you are most welcome to use this poem!

  17. Cynthia Cynthia

    Poem is beautiful and vey well said. I would like to use this for my small Ladies Group

  18. Dave Dave

    Hi Cynthia – you are very welcome to use this poem!

  19. Denise Denise

    I love this poem; it describes it all. I also would like to use on our youth conference call.

  20. Marianne J Harrison Marianne J Harrison

    Hi could we please use this at our church.

  21. Dave Dave

    Hi Denise – yes, please do!

  22. Dave Dave

    Hi Marianne – Yes, you are most welcome to use this poem!

  23. Love the poem and would also like to use it in our Christmas Eve service. It would be much appreciated!

  24. Alvatine Carwin Alvatine Carwin

    Hi Dave , Can I use your poem for our Christmas program at church

  25. Sonia Sonia

    We would love to have permission to recite this poem for a Childrens presentation at our Christmas eve service (live stream) on Dec 24th 2023

  26. Dave Dave

    Deena – yes, you are most welcome to use the poem!

  27. Dave Dave

    Alvatine – Certainly you may!

  28. Dave Dave

    Sonia – Yes, you are welcome to use this poem for your service!

  29. Trudy West Trudy West

    Dear Dave this is perfect! please can I use in our Christmas Eve Service?

  30. Karen Zweck Karen Zweck

    Hello Mr. Trenholm,

    I would like your permission to use your poem for our Children’sChristmas program at Lawrence United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, IN.

    Karen Zweck
    Children & Youth Director

  31. Dave Dave

    Hi Trudy – Yes, you are most welcome to use it!

  32. Dave Dave

    Karen – Yes, you are welcome to use this poem for your program!

  33. Bri Verduin Bri Verduin

    Hello Dave!

    What a wonderful poem! I was wondering if Prestonwood Baptist Church in Prosper, TX preschool ministry has permission to use it for the Christmas Eve service take-home nativity scene? Thanks!

    Bri Verduin
    Preschool Coordinator

  34. Dave Dave

    Hi Bri – Yes, you are more than welcome to use it for your service!

  35. Gloria Gloria

    Wow nice I would love to use it at our church service

  36. Dave Dave

    Gloria – you would be most welcome to!

  37. Carla Carla

    This is lovely. May I please use this for a family Christmas Eve candlelight service that will be live-streamed?

  38. Dave Dave

    Hi Carla – yes, you may use the poem for your service.

  39. Barbara Barbara

    What a blessing, I was looking for a way to explain Christmas-why the birth of Jesus is important to my 12 yr old grandson. Can we read this at dinner -It may impact his mother as well.

  40. Monica Monica

    So beautiful! May I use it for our Christmas Eve service?

  41. Dave Dave

    Monica – Certainly you may!

  42. Dave Dave

    Barbara: Yes, that sounds great! You would be most welcome to!

  43. i came across these verses while looking for a script to adapt to use in my choir Charity concert at Christmas,. The verses would be woven to match choral items which tell the story of ‘A Night Like No Other’.
    In Accord is a mixed voice choir of 30 members – singing since 2010.
    Please can I have your permission to use these as the foundation of our concert?
    Thank you for your lovely words and God Bless you in your future work.

  44. Beautiful words which I would love to use in our Christmas concert 2024

  45. Dave Dave

    Margaret: I would be happy to allow you to use my Christmas poem for your concert. Thanks for asking!

  46. Sam Sam

    Hello Dave,

    I would love to use your poem as the basis for our Children’s Program this year in Dublin, Ohio. Would you allow us to use it in our service?


  47. Dave Dave

    Sam: You are most welcome to use the poem for your service!

  48. Melissa Melissa

    Beautiful poem! I would be honored to use it for our Elementary Christmas program this year?

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