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Tag: leadership

Jonah’s Lunch

Building a fire in the riverThe objective of this team building exercise is simple – hard boil an egg. The catch is that it is to be boiled in the middle of a river. This is a great team building exercise that requires not only teamwork, but also ingenuity, perseverance, and some fire starting skills.

How It Works

Each team starts with one egg, one tin can, and one matchbook. They are given an area in which them must hard boil their egg. Usually the water should be about knee deep, but you can adjust the depth according to your location and your particular group. The deeper the water, the greater the difficulty – especially in moving water.

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Creating Vision for Your Youth Group Leadership

I am a firm believer in having a youth group executive or youth council or whatever you call it – a group of the core, committed youth that you can mentor and develop into dedicated and properly equipped leaders. Why, you may ask? Because it is these kids that will be on the church boards, leadership committees, pastors, missionaries, Bible school professors, and the like. The dedicated ones now are going to be the dedicated ones years down the road. They will be the church. I am absolutely convinced that investing large amounts of time, money, effort into developing these teens is well worth it. But this isn’t meant to be an essay on why we should invest in our kids, (that may come later), but rather a how-to on creating a vision for your youth group leadership.

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