This is the first in a series of Bible studies on the book of Proverbs that I wrote for my group of 15 – 20 teens from camp that I discipled. I always started the night with a game or two, a check-up on how their relationship with God had been that week, then the study and prayer time, and ended with snack and hang out time. I found this to be a very effective format.
Proverbs Chapter One
Opening Game: Steal the Candies
Read Proverbs 1:1-7
What is wisdom?
It’s not just smarts. It’s not just making right choices.
Wisdom is making the right choices consistently.
Do you have wisdom? (ie. Do you make right choices consistently?)
- What’s the last right decision you made?
- What’s the last poor decision you made?
We clearly need more wisdom.
How do we get wisdom?
Answer: Fear of the Lord
What is the “fear of the Lord”?
It’s not being afraid of God. It’s obeying Him and honoring Him with everything you do.
Can you think of a time in the last week when you didn’t obey & honor God? Why did you do that?
How can we honor & obey God more? How do we “fear the Lord” the way we should?
- Bible reading? (Do you daily do that?)
- Prayer? (Do you daily do that?)
- Memorizing verses? (Do you daily do that?)
- Attending church/Youth group/Some variety of Christian Fellowship? (Do you DAILY do that?)
On the flip side…
- Do you do things that will help you NOT fear the Lord?
- Watch tv shows that don’t honor the Lord?
- Play video games that don’t honor the Lord?
- Listen to music that doesn’t honor the Lord?
- Hang out with people that don’t honor the Lord?
What are you going to do about it?
What is one thing that you can do honor & obey God more this week than you did last week? Choose someone to tell your plan to and have them check up on you next week.